Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Energy And Environmental Design System - 2055 Words

In reaction to our current global environmental crisis, the idea of eliminating negative environmental impacts attracts environmental policy makers and markets to sustainable or green design. As a result, a variety of industries have adopted sustainable design, including consumer goods, fashion, landscape design and architecture to meld striking design and function. However, the realm of architecture exhibits a unique challenge to sustainability. Construction projects generally utilize large amounts of material, produce waste and oftentimes involve vetting the preservation of buildings that have historical significance against the desire for modern designs. To help alleviate this issue, the introduction of the LEED, or Leadership in Energy†¦show more content†¦Persuading clients to embrace green design in their projects will improve the health and diversity of the inhabitants, the community, the economy and the planet. Consequently, it is up to technical writers to take acti on and help push the industry further. Keywords The keywords supporting this research question can be divided into four main themes- people/players, problems, objectives and strategy. †¢ People/Players- Audience, Clients, Ecologically conscious consumer, Stakeholders, Architecture, Building, Construction, Structure †¢ Problems- Environmental problems, Greenhouse gases, Emissions, Waste †¢ Objectives- Sustainable, Sustainability in design, Sustainable development, Green design, Green buildings, Energy conservation, Energy efficient buildings, Environmental awareness, Client preferences, Client satisfaction, Green building performance, Designing for usability †¢ Strategy- Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Pitch, Persuasion, Green marketing strategy, Ecological marketing, Socially responsible strategies, Environmental strategy, Request for proposal (RFP), Proposal writing in business, Business communication, Document design, Visual communication Sources I. Convincing Clients to Go Green Tags: Construction industry, Green Marketing, Environmental impact, Client attitudes, Social responsibility A. Study Summary: The majority of construction clients are unaware of the negative environmental impacts that theirShow MoreRelatedThe Energy And Environmental Design System Essay1507 Words   |  7 Pages INTRODUCTION In reaction to our current global environmental crisis, the idea of eliminating negative environmental impacts attracts environmental policy makers and markets to sustainable or green design. As a result, a variety of industries have adopted sustainable design, including consumer goods, fashion, landscape design and architecture to meld striking design and function. However, the realm of architecture exhibits a unique challenge to sustainability. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Process of Insurance - 9958 Words

Recruitment and Selection Process of Insurance Companies People are a company’s most important assets. They can make or break the fortunes of a business. In today’s highly competitive business environment placing the right people in the right position is very critical for the success of any organization. The recruitment and selection decision is of prime importance as it is the vehicle for obtaining the best possible person-to-job fit that will, contribute significantly towards the Companys effectiveness. It is also becoming increasingly important, as the Company evolves and changes, that new recruits show a willingness to learn, adaptability and ability to work as part of a team. The Recruitment Selection procedure ensures that†¦show more content†¦By active participation in the recruitment process, the areas where improvement can be bought about can be identified. Thus the whole research would be done under the guidance of external guide. It will also involve recruitment and selection processes, reading the material provide internally by the organization, information from the new employees. Introduction Of The Insurance Industry Overview The story of insurance is probably as old as the story of mankind. The same instinct that prompts modern businessmen today to secure themselves against loss and disaster existed in primitive men also. They too sought to avert the evil consequences of fire and flood and loss of life and were willing to make some sort of sacrifice in order toShow MoreRelatedA Creation Of A Human Resources Plan1384 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction This paper is going to be about a creation of a Human Resources plan and the steps needed to create a one-person HR department. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Fresh Fish Free Essays

A Narrative Essay- Fresh Fish I can hear the snickers as I walk down the crowded sidewalk of Chinatown. The gossip at the vegetable stand. The grin of the fish man. We will write a custom essay sample on Fresh Fish or any similar topic only for you Order Now The chatter from the seafood restaurants. Laughter is everywhere, like a dragon’s tail winding throughout the streets. I grew up speaking English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors. The first word out of my mouth was mommy, not mah mah. When I was 3, my parents flashed cards with Chinese characters at my face, but I pushed aside. My mom assured herself, â€Å"He will learn when he is ready. But the time never came. A decade later, I would regret that decision. February 7, 1997, Chinese New Year: My relatives and I gather in my grandmother’s three-room Mott Street apartment around the round kitchen table, half –hidden under boxes of don tot, cha siu bao and othere Chinese delicacies from the local dim sum parlor. My Uncle Alex rapidly mutters something to me in Chinese, but all I can do is stare at him quizzically and scratch my head. â€Å" Still can’t speak Chinese? † he teases me, now in English. â€Å" How old are you? 13?And you still can’t talk to your grandmother, can’t even buy a fish in Chinatown. What are you waiting for? † â€Å"Hey this is America, not China,† I reply. â€Å" You want fish for dinner? I will get some right now-with or without Chinese. † I turn to mom for permission, who reluctantly hands over a crisp $20 bill. â€Å"Remember to ask for fresh fish, sun seen yu,† she says. â€Å"You know how fussy your grandmother is with her fish. † I repeat the words to my mother, who nods in approval, then dart down the two flights of dark narrow stairs into the bright, crowded streets of Chinatown.Following the foreign sounds and the smell of the ocean around the corner of Mott Street, I find the fish stand, submerged in a sea of customers. There are salmon and croaker and flounder and sea bass, fish with big eyes, fish with shinny scales, and fish that I’ve never seen before. â€Å" I did like to buy some fresh fish,† I blurt out to the fish man. But he ignores my English words and turns to serve the next customer. The cackling of the people behind me increases with their impatience. With every second, the breath of the dragons on my back intensifies- my blood boiling- compelling to me to make my decision. What were my mother’s words again? â€Å"Seen sang yu, please,† I stutter, jabbing at the sea brass. â€Å" Very seen sang,† I repeat, this time, beaming at my simple eloquence. I had spoke Chinese, used it to communicate with my own people. I had†¦ †¦ told a joke? The fish man suppress grin, but the crowd erupts with laughter and chuckles and snickers. They are Chinese; I am Chinese. I should feel right home. Instead, I am the laughingstock, a disgrace to the language. My face turns red, like the hung bao, the red envelopes exchanges on Chinese New Year.Then, I am racing back to my grandmother’s quiet apartment, the fish and the laugher in the distance. I return to the apartment empty-handed, except for the now-wrinkled twenty dollar bill the I clutch tightly in my pocket. â€Å"I asked for seen sang yu, fresh fish,† I stammer when the door opens, â€Å" just like you told me to – I mean – didn’t you tell me to say that ? But they just laughed. † For a moment, my mother simply grins to herself saying nothing, holding me in suspense. Then she explains, â€Å" No, sun seen is fresh fish, not seen sang.You asked for a teacher fish. Even though fish travel in schools, you would have a really hard time trying to find the teacher. † My jaw drops. Should I laugh or cry? I still walk down Mott street to visit my grandmother – past the fish man, past the vegetable stands, past the restaurant- concealing the fact that I cannot speak Chinese. Sometimes I laugh at my fish incident, but in the end, the joke is on me. Every grin is a bond withering away; each chuckle, a culture lost; every giggle, my heritage fading away. How to cite Fresh Fish, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Literal and metaphorical ties in Waiting for Godot Essay Example For Students

Literal and metaphorical ties in Waiting for Godot Essay Set against the backdrop of desolation and inactivity, Beckett presents us with the underlying nature of human relationships, through the social dynamics of Pozzo and Lucky, and Vladimir and Estragon. We are shown their emotional reliance, interdependence, and inability for severance, through the extended metaphor of ‘ties’ and the ubiquitous imagery of ropes and ‘being tied’. Pozzo and Lucky are tied both physically, through a rope, and emotionally, through their need for each other. Vladimir and Estragon are tied less concretely, but no less significantly, through their emotional interdependence and through other, more literal ties, such as the rope they talk about hanging themselves with. These ties seem to act as an equaliser, bringing forward the similarities of these complex relationships, and putting forward universally Beckett’s main assertion in this extended metaphor – our need for human contact and companionship. The only rope we ever see in Waiting for Godot is the rope that ties Pozzo to Lucky. This seems to be the most concrete, the most solid tie in Waiting for Godot, yet its insight into the relationship of Pozzo and Lucky is verisimilar, or at least quite cursory. We are given the idea that Pozzo is the master, and Lucky is the slave, at least as far as physical aspects of their relationship goes. We see how Lucky carries Pozzo’s bags, and how he dances for Pozzo’s amusement. Yet, this idea of their relationship is only verisimilar, as it does not show how mutually involved it is, and how it is not Pozzo who has complete control. Just as Pozzo has mastery of Lucky in the physical aspect of their relationship, it is Lucky who has the mastery of the mental and emotional aspects. Lucky makes Pozzo cry, completely unexpectedly :‘P: He used to be so kind . . . so helpful . . . and entertaining . . . my good angel . . . and now . . . he’s killing me.’ (p. 27 ). Lucky makes Pozzo completely unable to act when he begins his monologue, it is Lucky who seemed to have given Pozzo all the grand ideas which he later on pontifocates. But their relationship goes on further, from a struggle for dominance, to an emotional interdependence, and inability for severance. The rope around Lucky’s neck does not just tie Lucky to Pozzo, but the both of them to each other. This relationship is not simply about this constant power-play; their struggle for dominance has become that which makes them so emotionally interdependent. Pozzo explains that Lucky ‘wants to mollify me so that I’ll give up the idea of parting with him.’ Despite all the abuse and the dysfunctions of their relationship, Lucky still wants to stay with Pozzo, he does not want to break away from him. Even Pozzo seems to ultimately not want to sever their ‘ties’. Pozz needs Lucky just as much as Lucky needs Pozzo – they need each other on both an emotional and physical level. In fact, despite all of Pozzo’s attempts at severing their bonds, we see them in the second act, even more inexplicably tied to each other, with the shortening of the rope that ties them together, and with Pozzo losing his sight. They have become closer together, an d in a very concrete and actual way, they are now both completely physically, as well as emotionally reliant. When Pozzo falls, he drags Lucky down, and they cannot stand. We see them in the second act, now completely unable to separate themselves, because of the nature of their reliance. The literal and metaphorical ropes that ties one to the other have become the ropes of their bondage. .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb , .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb .postImageUrl , .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb , .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb:hover , .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb:visited , .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb:active { border:0!important; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb:active , .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4c3f39da4c6f4557d6415d348ccf36fb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Tale Of Two Cities Essay ThesisThe ropes of Pozzo and Lucky’s relationship can also be found in the relationship of Vladimir and Estragon. Although there is a less tangible bond between Vladimir and Estragon, they are strongly still tied to each other emotionally and physically. The nature of Vladimir and Estragon’s relationship is different though in that we get the distinct idea that they are indeed cognizant of their interdependence, through the constant denial of it. Estragon, in act one, looks for affirmation from Vladimir – ‘E: We’re not tied? We’re not –’ (p.12), before being cut off, and going on to a diffe rent topic of conversation. The ties that link Vladimir and Estragon to each other are also interesting, in that we see their relationship as the less amplified version of the relationship between Pozzo and Lucky, in terms of their social dynamics. In terms of their interdependence though, while there is an emotional component to both pairs need for each other, this emotional reliance seems much stronger with Vladimir and Estragon, than Pozzo and Lucky, who are largely physically reliant. This can be seen in the second act, wherein Pozzo and Lucky could not function without each other, yet Vladimir and Estragon can still be separated, if only for a night. Their metaphorical tie through their interdependence is something which shows the duplicity of their feelings for each other. There is this sense of both love and loathing with Vladimir and Estragon – they constantly talk about separating, in the hopes of improving their situation, yet this never happens, and they never actually act upon this desire. This contradiction of thought shows itself most thoroughly in the second act, when they see each other again. Estragon delcares ‘E: Don’t touch me! Don’t question me! Don’t speak to me! Stay with me!’ (p.49). Vladimir and Estragon are trapped in this situation of waiting for Godot, of desperately trying to mask this enveloping nothingness, with idle conversation, and mutual companionship. The ties that hold these characters together seem to be their only way of combatting the blankness and loneliness of their existences. Vladimir and Estragon are bonded to each other inexplicably through their need of companionship, but they are also bonded to each other through another tie, their tie to Godot. This seems to be the central core of their relationship, and indeed it seems to be the impetus of them staying together. Throughout the text, they repeat, almost mantra-like, the exchange ‘E: Let’s go. V: We can’t E: Why not? V: We’re waiting for Godot.’ (p. 6). They stay together, under the faà §ade of waiting for Godot, using this as an attempt to rationalise their inability to change or move. They seem to be unable to stay together, simply to stave off the loneliness, or at least, they cannot admit to this entirely. They can only admit to being tied to Godot, while being in a relationship that seems to be completely based on being bonded to each other. Vladimir states: ‘V: To Godot? Tied to Godot? What an idea! No question of it For the Moment’ (p.13) They m ust use Godot in order to reason staying together, despite showing time and time again how it is in fact their emotional reliance and need for companionship that keeps them from separating. Perhaps it is this falsehood which highlights their need so effectively. We are given the idea that this need for contact and human interaction is a fundamental, basic, and universal human need. It is no coincidence that Estragon, the representation of the visceral and the physical aspects of their relationship, is most concerned with being tied. It is Estragon who wants most to be with Vladimir, just as it is Estragon who often talks about parting. What shows their need as being universal even more is the characterisation of Vladimir, Estragon, Pozzo, and Lucky. Their personalities give us the ability to see this as an entirely human message as they have no completely defining universal traits, beyond their desires. This seems to allow us to so thoroughly empathise with the characters, to feel so strongly within ourselves the need for each other that they display so powerfully on the stage. One may argue that these literal and metaphorical ties show how we find self-definition through our goals in life, and indeed, this is a valid interpretation. I would argue though that more than this, it shows how utterly lonely it is, going through life, and how we cling so strongly to these ties, that become a form of limitation and bondage, all so that we can stave off loneliness, through that human contact that has been mentioned again and again. In the end, what seems to be most moving, and most human about these characters is that they fall so easily and so willingly to entrapment, to mask the bleakness that they find themselves in.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Risk Management of Legal Issues Affecting E-Commerce free essay sample

Risk Management of Legal Issues affecting E-Commerce Introduction Risk management is the ability to identify, assess, and prioritize risks depending on the threat they poses on a business and the resources available. Most organizations are operating their business online nowadays. Many industries such as banking, insurance, selling of goods, offering of certain services are turning their operations online. E-commerce has many challenges that threaten to make any organization conducting online business to fail. The ability to identify, asses, and come up with solutions to the risks in the e-commerce industry is essential in ensuring success of the organization. One of the major challenges of e-commerce is the legal implications among others. Due to the nature of online business that it is worldwide and that many people can access it, legal matters are a crucial issue in the commerce. E-commerce business is growing rapidly leaving the legal systems in a struggle to adapt to the growing industry. We will write a custom essay sample on Risk Management of Legal Issues Affecting E-Commerce or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Likewise, e-commerce organizations need to come up with new procedures and rules for the business. The growth poses many issues on regulation and many legal questions. How do authorities regulate digital content? Can national laws of a country apply in the web business? Can there be protection of privacy and protection of data in the internet? (Shah, Nagree, 2001) For any of the organizations in the online business, managers need to be aware of the legal issues. Given that for any business, the government tries to impose regulations, managers need to be aware of these regulations to be able to succeed in the business. The e-commerce rapid growth makes the laws to change from time to time to include the changes in the business. Therefore, managers need to be familiar with the changing laws and have a deep knowledge of the law to be able to make the best decisions for the organization in terms of legal issues. Improper decisions when it comes to legal matters can lead to the failure of a business. Non-compliance with the laws may lead to many legal consequences including the government forcing the organization to close or hefty fines, which may lead to many losses leading to the failure of the business. Therefore, the management needs to be aware of the legal concerns of the business to ensure compliance of the law is a daily routine of the organization. One example of the laws on e-commerce that affect the company is copyright laws. The copyright laws pose many threats to the survival of the business. Therefore, the management need to identify these risks, asses them, and develop ways of mitigating them to avoid them affecting the organization largely (Spindler, 2007). The process of risk management involves many other processes. The first process of risk management is to identify the risks. In the case of e-commerce and the copyright issues, the management has to find the risks that copyright issues present to the business. The identification of the risks that copyright issues pose must be at all the stages of the project. When a new product is available, the organization must look at the copyright issues in the first place. When there is a small problem regarding the copyright issues of any product or the website itself, the management must identify the small problem before it becomes a major problem threatening the product. Therefore, any organization must have large personnel for risk identification including a large and informed legal counsel to provide the necessary counsel on copyright issues (Bouridis, 2010). The second step to risk management is analysis of the risk. Analysis of the risk is paramount in making sure that an organization deals with the risk to avoid complications. The analysis involves prioritization, communication with the relevant teams to reduce the threat. In the case of copyright issues, once the team responsible has identified a problem on copyright of a new product, the team must go forward to analyze the real threat that the problem pose to the business. The team must consider other risks and evaluate them thus prioritizing which risk to cover first and which risk can wait. Once the team has identified the risks that need immediate attention, then they can go forward to communicate with other teams responsible for the product. In case the problem is with the website, the team must communicate with the web developers and other parties involved seeking the way forward to address the problem (Shah, Nagree, 2001). The third step to risk management is envisaging the consequences of the actions that an organization takes for a certain risk. The responsible teams must envisage the possible outcomes of any of the actions they take to tackle any problem. A problem with the copyright issues invites for certain actions from the responsible group. The group must look at all the possibilities of the action it takes. By looking at the future possibilities of an action, the group can decide on the best course of action. For example, there might be two actions the responsible group can take to deal with a problem, the group should look at both the actions and decide on the best that will even avoid such problems in the future but not just the action that best solves the problem now (Bouridis, 2010).. The management has to plan for the risk. The steps above call for the planning of risk. Some risks are urgent, others must be immediate, and others essential. All these risks require special attention. Therefore, the management must plan on how to al with the risks depending on their categories. The risks have a varying degree of risk, some have a high risk, others a low risk and others medium risk. The management must plan on how to deal with the risks depending on their degree of risk (Spindler, 2007). The management must also track the risk. The management needs to have a program that evaluates a risk from time to time. Tracking the risk from time to time ensures that the organization has the knowledge of new developments on the risk. The knowledge of new developments on the risk ensure that the organization takes immediate action when necessary for a development that they did not expect in envisaging the consequences that the risk they took for mitigating the risk has (Nasir, 2004). The last step to risk management is control of the risk. The control of risks must go in hand with the management of a project. In case of a new product in the market, the management of this new project must go in hand with the control of the risk that the product poses. The copyright issues of a new product in e-commerce pose risks to the business; therefore, as the management manages the new product, it must endeavor to control the risk that copyright issues pose. The management can do this by planning, and taking sequential preparation to the control of the risk (Shah, Nagree, 2001). Legal Concerns in E-Commerce There are many legal concerns in e-commerce. The major legal issues in e-commerce involve; contracts, security, authentication, privacy protection, data protection, intellectual property rights, domain names, jurisdiction, liability, and taxation. Other legal issues in e-commerce are content regulation, advertisement, electronic payment issues, and foreign direct investment. All these legal factors affect the business in one way or the other. The legal concerns pose risks to the business that may threaten the profits of the company, lead to legal complications, or even lead to the closure of the business. For a business to succeed, any organization that conducts its business online must take special consideration to the legal concerns. The ability of an organization to deal with the legal concerns will be crucial in determining the success of the business. Considering the ever-growing use of the internet for commerce, the legal issues are the major challenge for the e-commerce organizations. The management has to have the knowledge on the legal issues and come up with a plan that will ensure that the organization is able to mitigate these problems (Spindler, 2007). One of the most important legal aspects that an e-commerce organization must take into consideration is the contracts. Parties in that conduct business online must come up with proper ways to reach agreements online to ensure that the contracts are solid. The identity of parties is a major concern in online contracts. The parties mostly do not have prior knowledge of each other posing uncertainties in the authority of the party, legitimacy, and the authority to enter contracts. Although digital signatures are there to help in identifying parties online, different countries have different rules on the digital signatures. Therefore, digital signatures between parties of different countries may bring problems to contracts that they make. Problems in contracts attract legal complications in the organization. The contractual complications may even lead to complications in terms of intellectual and property rights (Bouridis, 2010). Jurisdiction Laws For e-commerce, customers are throughout the world. The law states that if any organization acquires a customer from another country, then the organization must defend the litigation arising from the country. An organization must review any content that it places on the website of its operations to comply with the jurisdiction laws of the country the organization markets, sells, or promotes its goods and services. If the organization does not review the content, a person may sue the organization by the jurisdiction of that other country. Given that e-commerce involves people throughout the world, parties to a contract might come from different jurisdictions. If parties from different jurisdictions make contracts, it might lead to different interpretations of the contractual information. If the parties fail to honor the contract, there might be complications on which jurisdiction the other party should sue. A problem may arise still where the organization does not deliver goods or services as the customer would expect. The customer does not know which jurisdiction to use to sue the organization. The jurisdiction laws is a risk in e-commerce as these legal complications may threaten profits or even lead to total failure of the organization (Silver, 2002). An organization may face action because of its website in form of civil law suits, regulator’s action, or criminal prosecution. Many countries’ courts have a theory in which courts can exercise jurisdiction of the current country if the other party has minimum contacts with the country. The minimum contacts are in form of financial gain, physical presence, election of court through a contract or a stream of commerce. Even if there is no physical presence of an organization in a country, any person can sue you in that country if there are sufficient minimum contacts of the organization’s website with the people (Nasir, 2004).. Privacy and Security Issues In order to promote e-commerce, security is a crucial issue. Most online organizations keep sensitive information on the organization’s websites. The organizations must put in place adequate measures that will help safeguard the sensitive information of their customers. The organization must prevent any intruders from accessing the sensitive information they keep for the customers. The security threats to information in a company might originate both from internal and external. Hackers, Trojan horses, and viruses comprise the risk factors of information from external. Technical staff and other employees comprise the risk from internal. The laws require that all companies have adequate measures to prevent the security threats. There are privacy and security policies that the government imposes on the organization. The ability of an organization to provide high security to the information of their customers is crucial in the success of the organization. Organizations that can guarantee privacy and security of the customer’s information will have a large customer base as they have the trust of the customers. If a person discovers that there is insecurity of his or her information, or the some other person has the information from a website, the person can sue the organization (Silver, 2002). Online Terms and conditions, Policies, and Laws There are many online terms and conditions, policies, and laws by the government and other regulating authorities. Most of the terms and conditions are to shield the organization from liability from the use of the online content by the consumers. Governments are also forming legislation to strengthen the terms and conditions in the websites of organizations. The government legislation aims at protecting the consumers of online content. The legislation also aims at protecting the information of the users. Privacy policies in particular aim to push online organizations to ensure that they have strong security measures to protect the information of the consumers. Thus, the government and other regulating bodies through policies aim to avoid the disclosure of information by organizations through their websites. Policies and laws differ from one country to the other. Therefore, it is a challenge for organizations to comply with the differing policies and laws of the different countries (Sayer Deveaux, 2000). The policies, laws, terms, and conditions on online transactions ensure the following. One is ensuring that there are proper contracts through the internet. Two is ensuring the recording of retention obligations. Three is to ensure control of exchange regulations. Four is ensuring foreign protection of information. Any e-commerce organization ability to come up with proper terms and conditions and comply with policies and laws determines the success of the organization. Poor terms and conditions could lead to legal complications that the organization should not be liable for them. Non-compliance with policies and laws could lead to the authorities taking measures against the organization, which could affect the success of the organization (Sayer Deveaux, 2000). Intellectual property Rights The protection of the intellectual property is paramount in every online organization. The boundless non-regulation nature of the internet causes challenges to the protection of the intellectual property of any organization in the e-commerce business. Intellectual property rights include copyright laws, patent laws, design, trade secret, and trademark among others. Many countries have laws to protect the intellectual property rights but the efficiency of the laws in protecting the intellectual property rights is uncertain. Another challenge of the e-commerce organizations is crossing the property rights of other organizations. The organization need to put proper measures to ensure that no employee crosses the intellectual rights of another organization in conducting the business of the organization (WIPO, 2002). One of the challenges in intellectual property rights of an organization is determination of the subject matter of which to protect. E-commerce business is growing fast and there is advent of technology every day. Therefore, there is emergence of new intellectual property rights posing a challenge to an organization on how to protect its intellectual property best. For example, getting a patent for a new product might require some existing product. The organization might fail to get a way to protect its product best leading to losing information to other organizations through theft. In this case, the organization cannot even sue that other company because it does not have enough legal ground. The new product might require a product that the organization does not produce; therefore, getting patents for the new product might become complicated. The complications in acquiring intellectual property rights of new products that is common in e-commerce poses a risk of the organization losing the intellectual property (Shoniregun, 2000). Another challenge to the intellectual property rights is assertion of originality or novelty. Most of the laws on intellectual property require that the property be original or novel. Most of the web contents are almost similar in nature. An organization must prove to the authorities that the work is original which is hard because of the similarity of the web content. The use of the work in the internet would also hinder the claim of novelty or originality in applying for intellectual property rights. An e-commerce organization has to devote its attention in proving the novelty or originality to avoid infringement by other organizations with similar intellectual property rights. Enforcement of the intellectual rights is another major challenge that e-commerce organizations have. The internet eases the duplication of intellectual property even if they have intellectual property rights protection. The anonymous environment of the internet makes it very hard for an organization to get the infringer. The infringing material is also at a particular location for a very short while, making it even harder for organizations to get the infringer. The inherent territory nature of intellectual property rights makes it hard to determine whether there is infringement or not. The differences in laws of countries makes it hard it hard for organizations to enforce the rights since some action might constitute infringement in one country while the same action does not constitute infringement in another country. To restrain infringement in other countries, the organization has to file cases in these other countries. The process is time and money consuming (WIPO, 2002). Prevention of unauthorized Meta tagging and hyperlinking is another major challenge e-commerce organizations are having. Some hyperlinking constitute infringing of intellectual property rights. Meta-tags constitute infringing of trademarks. Hyperlinks that link an organization’s website to another organizations website constitute intellectual property infringement if the permissions for linking this other organization has not provide permissions for linking. If an organization uses a meta-tag similar to a meta-tag of another organization, this organization infringes on the trademark of the other organization. Recommendations to Mitigate Risks in E-Commerce Organizations After identification and analysis of risks, an organization needs to take the necessary actions to mitigate the risks. The legal issues being a major risk to e-commerce organizations, the organizations need to take the necessary action to mitigate the effects of the same. The intellectual property rights being the factor affecting e-commerce most need special consideration. An organization can take several actions to mitigate the risks. The ability of the organization to mitigate these risks determines the success of the organization (Barr, 2000. One of the ways that an organization can take as a precautionary measure is to have a strong and highly competent legal team. A highly competent legal team ensures that the organization has a strong legal base. A strong legal base is to advise the organization in major legal decisions. To avoid legal complications common in e-commerce organizations, all the decisions must have a strong legal basis evaluating all the possibilities of a particular action (Barr, 2000. The organization must train all its employees on the best practices to avoid legal complications. The organization needs to formulate rules to employees that will ensure that the employees do not perform actions that can put the organization on the wrong side of the law. The employees need to follow all the rules the organization sets in place. The only way to make the employees follow these rules is proper education on the legal issues and the benefits of compliance. To avoid the complications that jurisdiction brings, organizations need to adopt the rules and regulations that look universal. The organization can also place legal personnel in the countries it conducts major business. The personnel in these different countries will ensure that the problems in difference in laws of countries do not affect the organization (Sayer Deveaux, 2000). Organizations need to implement electronic systems like the electronic copyright management system that prevent infringement of intellectual property rights. The electronic systems will help reduce the risks in enforcement of the laws that an organization puts in place to prevent infringement of intellectual property (Barr, 2000). Conclusion Risk management of an e-commerce organization is paramount to the success of the organization. The organizations need proper risk management procedures to ensure that they reduce the risks. Legal issues of e-commerce business are many and require special attention from the management of the organization. Any e-commerce organization needs to consider all the above issues and observe the recommendations to ensure success of the organization and avoid the legal complications. References Barr D. (2000). The Need of a Broad Standard in Global E-Commerce. The Internet Law Journal. Bouridis, D. (2010). E-Commerce Operational Risk Management Plan. n. p. Nasir, A. M. (2004). Legal Issues Involved In E-Commerce. ACM Publishers Sayer, P. Deveaux, S. (2000). Jurisdiction in Cyberspace. IDG News Service Friday. Shah, A. Nagree, P. (2001). Legal Issues in E-Commerce. Nishith Desai Associates Shoniregun, C. A. , (2000). Intellectual Property Rights of Multimedia Enriched Websites. Communication of the ACM: Ubiquity Silver, J. (2002). Legal Issues for e-Commerce Business. Sitepoint. Spindler, G. (2007). Study on the Liability of Internet Intermediaries. University of Salerno. WIPO. (2002). Intellectual Property on the Internet: A Survey of Issues. World Intellectual Property Organization

Monday, November 25, 2019

Research Proposal on the Topic Internal Assessment System Essay Example

Research Proposal on the Topic Internal Assessment System Essay Example Research Proposal on the Topic Internal Assessment System Essay Research Proposal on the Topic Internal Assessment System Essay Research proposal on Internal Assessment System Submitted to: Submitted by: Dr. Ajay Solkhe Arpit Gupta(14) Asstt. Professor Keshav Monga(54) USM,KUK MBA(P)(Gen. ) Title Internal assessment system: creating satisfaction or dissatisfaction among students! Background and justification of ResearchIn the current scenario there are many complaints addressed by the students regarding internal assessment system (IAS). They are of the opinion that their teachers are biased in giving marks to students. They say that the student who is in the good books of the teacher is given more marks then of the student, who is not, besides he is much better than him. They also complaint that the students who are having jacks are also given more marks. In this, we are basically focussing on the students’ behaviour regarding the IAS.Up to what extent students are comfortable and satisfied with the IAS. We are also focussing on the parameters which the teachers consider while giving marks to students in their assessment. The parameters adopted by the teachers are acceptable or not. Whether the teachers are biased with students or not will be also studied in the research, which will be made. Research Objectives * To get of views of students and teachers on Internal Assessment System. * To identify the satisfaction level of students. To check the consent of student Criteria Included in IAS. * To get suggestion to make efforts for improving IAS. * To know the criteria’s made by teachers for the allotment of marks in internal assessment of students. * To check whether the teachers are biased with the students or not.* To check whether IAS enhance students’ performance or not. Literature Review In this section, the satisfaction level of the students will be explored in context of the internal assessment system. Research Methodology Hypotheses IAS helps in enhancing students’ performance. * Biasness in IAS demotivates students and their performance is affected. Re search Design For this research, exploratory and conclusive research methodology is selected. We will be using this research design because for this more precise investigation is needed. Sampling We would be taking data of 50 students and 10 teachers from each department for studying this problem. Data will be collected through random sampling so that the conclusion drawn out of that is accurate and reliable.Data collection procedures Data will be collected through primary sources by the help of questionnaires which would be having 25 questions approximately. Near about 15 questions out of that would be for students and 10 questions are for teachers. Potential Difficulties The researcher might face various difficulties during the research regarding the authenticity of sources, reliability and validity of collected information, completing the research in limited time and cost.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Discuss the role of the professional nurse in relation to a public Essay

Discuss the role of the professional nurse in relation to a public health issue - Essay Example Analysis of the distinct needs and problems of mentally unfit people, as a result of alcohol abuse will be initially discussed. The role of professional nurses in order to deal with the problem will also be discussed in detail. Consumption or abuse of alcohol may be a reason or a result of mental depression and ill health. Alcoholic abuse severally affects the personal as well as professional lives of the patients. These problems may take the form of family conflict, job loss and financial problems (Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse, 2002). These issues eventually lead to serious mental problems like increased levels of anxiety and depression. But the abuser initially experiences placebo effect on consumption of alcohol, a state of feeling illusionary pleasures. Later the exploitation of alcohol starts to exert a depressing effect on the central nervous system, resulting in behavioral and mood changes (Vadlamudi, Adams, Hogan, Wu, Wahid, 2008). This results in increasing alcohol consumption to an extent that the mental health recovery becomes even more difficult. The role of nursing in influencing the mental health of great many people is highly important. The unique skills practiced by nurses in dealing with variety of patients puts a lot of pressure on their duties. Mental health nursing can be considered as one of the most multifarious and challenging fields of nursing. A mental health nurse may have to work in a group which possibly consist of general practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists and assistants or individually in dealing with public health issues. These mental health patients who feel themselves extremely excluded and rejected need not only medical but also emotional help. Hence it becomes very important to endeavor as much as possible to bring

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

INTERNATIONAL JOINT VENTURES Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

INTERNATIONAL JOINT VENTURES - Assignment Example In essence, Shanghai General Motors was established in mid 1997 with the initiative of a joint venture with another world leading automotive industry known as General Motors (Anderson 2012). The business relationship was meant to be an equal contribution. This relationship was later sealed with the first automotive assemble in 1999 and the first vehicle been Buick Regal. Four years later, the company was rated as the second largest single market that had hit the market with General Motor products. In this regard, Shanghai General Motors is involved with the assembling of components of vehicles that emanate from parts imported from different corners of the globe particularly from US, Korea, Brazil among other countries that are capable of producing automotive parts across the globe. At times, the company makes orders on these parts in advance because some require lengthy shipping to comply with the orders given by customer in various parts of the world (Klein and Abels 2008). From the re onwards, this joint venture has immensely improved to become China’s largest automotive manufacturing company. ... According to Luo and Yan 2001, it is worth noting that China is among the leading countries that have advanced technologically and thus the automotive industry is not un exception. Of importance to note is that automotive industry is one of the world’s crucial technological areas as it involves variety of vehicles which are targeted by millions of people globally. Never the less, information gathering from this multi billion company has not been easy because some of their facts keep on fluctuating depending on the behavior of the market and their potential competitors such as Chery and MD Rover. Actually, they believe in coming up with unique brands, which they place into the market without having to advertise first to bar their competitors from coming up with similar brands that might threaten their ever growing market of automotives. In addition, it becomes cumbersome for individuals to easily access their numerous distinct plants where most of the assembling is done in rega rd to their policy. Type of joint venture It is apparent that Shanghai General Motors Company has been one of the biggest car manufacturing companies in china. The company was formed after a successful collaboration between General Motors and SAIC. With continued lack of advanced technology imported to china by other companies, SAIC decided to approach GM with intent of importing top technology to china on the basis that SAIC would help GM to jointly work in china. In this regard, SAIC and GM privately held a joint venture in 1997 and Shanghai GM (SGM) was born. The investment was valued at $ 1.69 billion. In light of this, it is apparent that the privately held joint venture between the two companies improved their performance (Baran, et al 1996). With GM, china was not only a

Monday, November 18, 2019

Density of regular solids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Density of regular solids - Essay Example An analysis of the lab results shows that it fulfilled its purpose; it presents the densities of the materials obtained using different procedures. The objectives of this lab were, therefore, met, since, everything happened as expected. The  main  source  of  error  in the  experiment  is the  taking  of  measurements. The  error  due  to  direct  measurement  is  less  than that  due  to the  displacement  method; the values are 2.619 and 18.2  percent  respectively. The  difference  between the two is  so  big  that it  brings doubt into  the  suitability  of the  displacement  method  in  calculating  density. There is a  difference  between the  results  obtained  in this  experiment  and the  expected  results. For  instance, the  lab  results  denote  a  density  of 1.0408 g/cm3 for  water, while the  expected  density  under the  conditions  under which the  lab  was  conducted  is 0.991724 g/cm3. The  difference  might  have  come  about  due  to temperature and pressure changes in the lab. It might also have been caused by human error, especially during calibration and measurement. The lab exercise was successful; the density of the various compounds was established. I learnt the importance of taking precise and accurate measurements while doing experiments. The results of the experiment are entirely dependent on the procedure and accuracy of the measurements taken. I am, however, curious to find out how room temperature affects the density of a material. I hope to establish the facts about this issue in subsequent classes and, perhaps, lab

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Analysis of Robert Frost and Mending Wall

Analysis of Robert Frost and Mending Wall Robert Frost was born Robert Lee Frost in San Francisco, California to Isabelle Moodie and William Prescott Frost Jr. After his father died, his mother moved them to Salem, New Hampshire. Frosts childhood was filled with literature- his mother read Shakespeare, Bible stories, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and other poets and writers aloud to him. Before long he was memorizing poetry and reading books on his own. Frosts high school years were spent in Lawrence, Massachusetts. During high school, Frost became a writer: his poem La Noche Triste, appeared in the high school newspaper. At the beginning of his senior year he fell in love with Elinor White, who had also published poetry in the school newspaper. After graduation and before the summer ended, they pledged themselves to each other in a secret ritual. That fall, Elinor went to St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, and Frost attended Dartmouth on a scholarship. College life proved to not be for him. Isolated and restless, he quit at the end of December. He hoped that when Elinor came home in April that he could persuade her to drop out as well and marry him, but his efforts proved fruitless and she returned to college. Frost began working as a lamp trimmer in a factory in Lawrence, but quit after a few months to teach and write poetry. At the end of the term, good news greeted him: the New York Independent had accepted My Butterfly: An Elegy, with a stipend of $15. This was Frosts first published poem. After this victory, he once again implored Elinor to marry him, and once again she refused. Eventually, however, she said yes and on December 19, 1895, they were married. Nine months later their son Elliot was born. They both kept working as teachers, and Frost kept publishing poems. In the fall of 1897, thanks to his grandfathers loan, Frost, at age twenty-three, entered Harvard in the hope of becoming a high school teacher of Latin and Greek. In March 1899, however, severe chest and stomach pains combined with worries about his ailing mother and pregnant wife forced him to leave Harvard. Frost gave up teaching and rented a poultry farm in Methuen. Two months later, Elliot, now three years old, fell ill with cholera and died. Frost never forgave himself for not having summoned a doctor in time, believing that God was punishing him. Elinor was devastated, but had to continue to care for their year old daughter, Lesley. Afterward, they moved to Derry, New Hampshire. In the fall of 1911 he was teaching again in Plymouth, New Hampshire. In July 1912, he started making plans for a radical change of scene. He suggested to Elinor that they move to England, and she enthusiastically agreed. On 2 September 1912, the Frosts arrived in London. Before long he was finishing the manuscript of A Boys Will. In October the book was accepted for publication. By April 1913, most of the poems that would constitute North of Boston had been written. In May 1915, North of Boston appeared, to be hailed in June by important reviews. By August, Frosts reputation as a leading poet had been firmly established in England, and Henry Holt of New York had agreed to publish his books in America. By the end of 1914, however, financial need forced him to leave Britain. When Frost and his family returned to the United States in February 1915, he was hailed as a leading voice of the new poetry movement.ÂÂ   In the following year he was made Phi Beta Kappa poet at Harvard and elected to the National Institute of Arts and Letters. Mountain Interval, which appeared in November 1916, offered readers some of his finest poems, such as Birches, Out, Out, The Hill Wife, and An Old Mans Winter Night. Frosts move to Amherst in 1917 launched him on the twofold career he would lead for the rest of his life: teaching whatever subjects he pleased at a congenial college (Amherst, 1917-1963, with interruptions; the University of Michigan, 1921-1923, 1925-1926; Harvard, 1939-1943; Dartmouth, 1943-1949)In 1930 Frost won a second Pulitzer Prize for Collected Poemsthe first had been won by New Hampshireand in the next few years, other prizes and honors, including the Charles Eliot Norton Professorship of Poetry at Harvard. on 26 March 1938, Elinor died and his world collapsed. Four years before, in the wake of their daughter Marjories death, they had helped each other bear the grief. Alone now, wracked in misery and guilty over his sometimes insensitive behavior toward Elinor, he hoped to find calm through his children, but Lesleys ragings only deepened his pain. For some time he continued to teach, then resigned his position, sold his Amherst house, and returned to his farm. In July Theodo re Morrison invited him to speak at the Breadloaf Writers Conference in August. Frosts lectures enthralled his listeners, but at times his erratic public behavior drew worried attention. To the great relief of his friends, Kathleen Morrison, the directors wife, stepped in to offer him help with his affairs. He accepted at once and made her his official secretary-manager. Weeks before, however, Kathleen had called at his farm to invite him to visit her at a nearby summer house. Before long he proposed marriage, but she insisted on secrecy, on maintaining appearances During the 1940s Frost published four new books: A Witness Tree (1942), inscribed To K.M./For Her Part in It, containing some of his finest poems. None but his intimates knew of the decades griefs: his son Carols suicide in 1940, his daughter Irmas placement in a mental hospital in 1947. In the last fourteen years of his life Frost was the most highly esteemed American poet of the twentieth century, having received forty-four honorary degrees and a host of government tributes, including birthday greetings from the Senate, a congressional medal, an appointment as honorary consultant to the Library of Congress, and an invitation from John F. Kennedy to recite a poem at his presidential inauguration. Thrice, at the State Departments request, he traveled on good-will missions: to Brazil (1954), to Britain (1957), and to Greece (1961, on his return from Israel, where he had lectured at the Hebrew University). In the Clearing, Frosts ninth and last collection of poems, appeared on 26 March 1962. On 2 December at the Ford Forum Hall in Boston Frost made his last address and, though admitting he felt a bit tired, he stayed the evening through. In the morning he felt much too ill to keep his doctors appointment. After considerable wrangling, he agreed to enter a hospital for observation and tests. He remained in its care until his death in the early hours of 29 January 1963. Tributes poured in from all over the land and from abroad. A small private service on the 31st at Harvards Memorial Church for family members and friends was followed by a public one on 17 February at the Amherst College Chapel, where 700 guests listened to Mark Van Dorens recital of eleven Frost poems he had chosen for the occasion. Eight months later, at the October dedication of the Robert Frost Library at Amherst, President Kennedy paid tribute to the poetry, to its tide that lifts all spirits, and to the poet whose s ense of the human tragedy fortified him against self-deception and easy consolation. Poem: Plea for tearing down barriers that keep us apart The fact that the narrator continues to help build the wall despite his abhorrence of it suggests the weakness of people in their convictions. Even though people want to change, many times they never have to courage to go against what others say. We create these barriers between us to keep the unknown out because deep down it scares us It is not the natural way to be- nature continuously tries to tear down the wall- even the rounded stones didnt want to support each other and keep the wall up. Sources: Meyer, Bruce. Critical Essay on Mending Wall. Poetry for Students, edited by Mary Ruby, vol. 5, Gale, 1999. Literature Resource Center, libraries.state.ma.us/login?gwurl=http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?p=LitRCsw=wu=mlin_n_bishopv=2.1id=GALE%7CH1420042989it=rasid=249423e618b8705c63388bc86683d232. Accessed 14 Mar. 2017. Frost, Robert (Lee). Merriam Websters Encyclopedia of Literature, Merriam-Webster, 1995. Literature Resource Center, libraries.state.ma.us/login?gwurl=http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?p=LitRCsw=wu=mlin_n_bishopv=2.1id=GALE%7CRN1480003591it=rasid=337b87a12c96fb85f72f64f7ad0fafc5. Accessed 14 Mar. 2017. DeFusco, Andrea , Bruno Leone, and Bonnie Szumski, eds. Readings on Robert Frost. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Print. Squires, Radcliffe. The Major Themes of Robert Frost. N.p.: The U of Michigan Press, 1963. Print.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Womens Rights :: Womens Rights Movement

Women had it difficult in the mid-1800s to early 1900s. There was a difference in the treatment of men and women then. Married women had few rights in the eyes of the law. Women were not even allowed to vote until August 1920. They were not allowed to enter professions such as medicine or law. There were no chances of women getting an education then because no college or university would accept a female with only a few exceptions. Women were not allowed to participate in the affairs of the church. They thought they were totally dependent on men. Then the first Women's Rights Convention was held on July nineteenth and twentieth in 1848. The convention was assembled as planned, and over the two days of discussion, the Declaration of Sentiments and twelve resolutions received agreement and endorsement, one by one, with a few amendments. The only resolution that did not pass unanimously was the call for women's authorization. The thought that women should be allowed to vote in elections was impossible to some. At the convention, debate over the woman's vote was the main concern. Women's Rights Conventions were held on a regular basis from 1850 until the start of the Civil War. Some drew such large crowds that people had to be turned away for lack of meeting space. The women's rights movement of the late nineteenth century went on to address the wide range of issues spelled out at the Seneca Falls Convention. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and women like Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, and Sojourner Truth, who were pioneer theorists, traveled the country lecturing and organizing for the next forty years. Winning the right to vote was the key issue, since the vote would provide the means to accomplish the other amendments. The campaign for woman's right to vote ran across so much continuous opposition that it took 72 years for the women and their male supporters to win. They finally received the right to vote in 1920. There were some very important women involved in the Women's Right Movement. Esther Morris, who was the first woman to hold a judicial position and who led the first successful state campaign for woman's right to vote in 1869. Abigail Scott Duniway was the leader of the successful fight in the early 1900s.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Research Assignment: Praising Students

Research Assignment: Praising Students I chose to do my research activity on the article titled Caution: Praise Can Be Dangerous by Carol S. Dweck. The main goal that Dweck wanted to achieve was to prove that praising your students on their intelligence can in fact affect their academic achievement in a bad way. 85 percent of parents thought they needed to praise their children’s intelligence in order to assure that they were smart (Dweck 4). It was thought that if you boost a student’s self esteem that it would help them academically, but in certain ways, this was wrong.The problems that the article dealt with were that if praise wasn’t handled properly, then â€Å"it can become a negative force, or a drug that rather than strengthening students, it makes them passive and dependent on the opinion of others† (Dweck, 4). If you use praise correctly, then it will help the students realize the value of effort, and become fulfilled with the accomplishments tha t they achieved on their own and want to succeed more. They also will have a better time dealing with any setbacks.The theory that was said to be true about praising students was that: â€Å"Giving students many opportunities to experience success and then praising them for their success will indicate to them that they are intelligent if they feel good about their intelligence they will achieve. They will love learning and be confident and successful learners† (Dweck 4). Educators had this theory wrong because research shows that giving students easy tasks and praising their success just says to the students that in a way you think their unintelligent.In order to prove this theory wrong, Dwecks along with Melissa Kamins and Claudia Miller held an experiment. This experiment was conducted of six different studies with more than 400 fifth graders. The goal was to study the effects of praising children for being intelligent. Among the 400 fifth graders, they included people of d ifferent ethnicities, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and were tested from all different parts of the country. This prevented any faults or biased opinions to be conducted in the experiment.They also made sure that some students were taken from schools in the city and some in more rural areas. This is something that you would want to do in any experiment given in order to get a variety of different subjects. First they began working with students one at a time on a more challenging puzzle task that was easy enough for them to all do well on it. They praised one third of the children for their intelligence, saying that they were â€Å"very smart† for knowing how to do that and telling that they got a certain amount correct and that they were amazed by it.The second group of people were tested and were told that they got a good score and praised on their effort of the task. The last third of the group was praised on their performance, with no comment on why they were succ essful. After the experiment, all students were happy about the outcome and were eager to do their take-home practice problems and were confident on their future performances. During the second part of the experiment, the same students were asked if they wanted to try a more challenging task from which they could learn a lot (but might not succeed) or an easier one where they would do well and look smart.Students praised on intelligence said they wanted to do the easier one, and 90% of the students that were praised on effort wanted to do the more challenging task. (The ones tested on performance were 50/50, so she wasn’t going to focus on them. ) When it came time to actually do the harder task, the students tested on intelligence didn’t like it and weren’t interested in doing the take home problems. They even started questioning their intelligence thinking they were dumb. The effort tested students liked the task and some even like the harder problems better t han the easier ones!This is where we start seeing the differences in the right and wrong types of praising. When we praise children for intelligence , were teaching them that this is what they want to achieve. They want to look and feel smart, so don’t risk making a mistake. When we praise them on effort and hard work, they realize the value of what they’re doing to succeed and get to realize their improvement and efforts, therefore having a better long-term successful academic achievement. For the last part of the experiment, they had the students go back and re-do the first task that they had did before.The intelligence students had an even worse performance and did worse than the first time, and the effort students performed the best and better than they did in the first place. After this, they were to write a litter to a student in another school telling them about the tasks that they had to do and how they tried them. The intelligence students actually lied about their scores to make them seem smarter, and the effort students didn’t exaggerate at all on their performance.This just says that failure becomes more of a problem when we praise students on intelligence, and they think that intelligence is something that you either don’t or do have instead of being a skill or knowledge. Our students should know that there are tasks and problems that they aren’t going to know how to do and that it shouldn’t discourage them, but make them want to learn more about it because they’re trying so hard and doing a great job of learning. This experiment was applied to education very well by the author herself.She states that you can’t just forget about the students feelings because what we say to them will affect how they think that we view them. We can praise our students as much as we want, BUT we need to do it when they learn or do well, and NOT praise them on how smart they are because it stops the students from setting the bar any higher. Dweck wants us to â€Å"rave about their effort and ask questions that show intelligent appreciation† (8). This would be a proper way to praise the students because you can still remind them that they are intelligent, but in a way that they are doing the right thing effort wise and giving it their all.You can’t waste your student’s time by giving them tasks that are too easy that make them look good, but need to test their ability and give them more challenging responsibilities. Dwecks even tested these theories on students going into junior high from elementary school and going into college from high school. She found that the students who believed that intelligence was fixed and that a poor grade or performance meant that they were dumb, and some wanted to consider cheating if they didn’t do well.These students did even worse grade wise than they did in elementary school and didn’t grow intellectually. However, studen ts who believed that intellect can be developed, and that a bad performance was because of lack of their effort and they needed to study more. These students were in the right mind set to allow the new school environment to encourage them to do well in school. All in all, student’s ideas and levels of intelligence can be influenced by the messages that they receive from teachers and parents.We need to encourage and praise them on their efforts, not their intelligence. We can allow them to feel smart in different ways instead of just telling them, â€Å"Wow! You got this many right, you must be really smart, good job! † This will make them want to get this reaction so they keep their achievement and difficulty level low so they can seem smart. This will keep them on the road to disappointment academically. Keep your students on task and striving for new goals and wanting to learn. Like Dwecks says, â€Å"Believing is Achieving! †

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Project Management Organizational Structures Essay

A series of related jobs that are focused toward a major solution is a project. Projects take time, money, people, and other resources to perform successfully. Project management usually controls these resources as well as planning the project and allocating resources where needed. Before a project is started, management decides which organizational structure will be used to run the project. There are three organizational structures that can be chosen from consisting of the Functional, Matrix, and Pure Project structures. Each of these has their advantages and disadvantages in structuring a project. Project managers are in charge of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing the project. Prior to beginning a project the manager needs to decide which organizational structure is the best fit to run the project at hand. Choosing which organizational structure to use largely depends on the size of the company, what is trying to be accomplished, and what resources are available. This paper will examine the three primary organizational structures mentioned above and the situation in which each structure would be the best method to manage a project team. In the functional project management organizational structure, â€Å"the project is assigned to the functional unit that has the most interest in ensuring its success or can be most helpful in implementing it† (Mantel & Meredith, 2006). This organizational structure has been considerably one of the oldest methods used however, remains one of the most successful. The functional method is best used when applied to routine work functions and to support the value of work standards. Under this organizational structure projects are usually assigned into two different ways consisting of assigning a project to a functional manager who coordinates with others to contribute or assigning the project to different departments who each complete their portion of the work and report to the department managers. Consequently, â€Å"organizational behavior is important because the functional employees at the interface position find themselves reporting to more than one boss, a line manager [ass igned to control resources] and a project manager for each project they are assigned to† (Kerzner, 2006). The functional structure has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include a higher flexibility in using the staff through other required  contributions, employees may be switched back and forth between related projects, individuals may be grouped for a larger depth of knowledge, the functional division serves as a â€Å"base of continuity† in the event an individual chooses to withdraw from the project, and the functional field serves as a huge advancement to those who have remained with a the project through a successful completion (Mantel & Meredith, 2006). On the contrary, this structure is not very effective when used on more complex projects and when viewing employee recognition. The individual accountability of tasks is hardly recognized for tasks being performed on an individual basis. Other disadvantages recognized amongst the functional project management organizational structure include the focus not being set on the client, focusing more on activities versus function, slow responses to client needs, lack of interest and motivation in certain areas to the assigned projects, and difficulties in communicating knowledge. Alike the functional organizational structure of project management, the Pure Project structure also has its unique advantages and disadvantages. This structure allows the project to be separated from the rest of the parent system becoming a self contained unit with its own staff, administration, and tying to the parent firm through periodic progress reports and oversight (Mantel & Meredith, 2006). Advantages to using this organizational structure include full authority to the project manager who is project director, shortened lines of communication, strong and separate identities of the project team, the ease of understanding pure project organizations, and the main focus on total project versus optimized subsystems as focused by other organizational structures. The Pure Project structure is effective in dedicating resources through the life of a project. This method is excellent in executing complex projects in that it meets the demands of the project by â€Å"isolating unique work and maintaining a strong focus on completing the project† (Russell, 2008). This structure reacts rapidly to the needs of clients contrary to those in the functional organizational structure. This Pure Project structure’s inefficiencies include the transfers in technology and the use of resources, which are provided through the life of the project as well as duplications  of effort, fostering of inconsistencies, and the project taking on a life of its own. The Matrix organizational structure of project management is much a combination of both the functional and Pure Project organizational structures. This project management structure evolved from the flaws in the other two structures previously discussed. Being combined of the other two organizational structure of project management, the Matrix structure can take on a large assortment of specific forms. This structure works very well when several projects are being coordinated at once. Contrary to the best components combined from the other two organizational structures of functional and Pure Project are the disadvantages of the Matrix structure consisting of conflicts. Having â€Å"individual employees to report to at least two managers often leads to ambiguity and conflict† which in turn could be avoided through proper communication (Russell, 2008). Much of the criticisms of this Matrix structure include the dark side of its advantages for balancing out who is in charge of the project, failure of project due to lack of negotiating skills, the severity of shutting down a project because of the project’s individual identities, and balancing time, cost, and performance. There is not one organizational structure better than the other. Each organizational structure has its advantages and disadvantages. The decision rests on what project the manager is trying to accomplish. The project manager needs to decide which organizational structure best suits that project. The project manager needs to assess the available resources, finances, and keep in mind the timeframe that has been assigned to the project. In order for the project to be successful, the project manager must compare the organizational structures in order to decide which would be the most suitable. In conclusion, organizational structures are never stagnant and frequently change based on the needs and the strategy that is employed by the organization. Organizational strategies dictate the structures that can be used by the organization and the success that these structures will have in  the improvement of the productivity of the workforce in the organization. Any structure ultimately is used to improve the manner by which organizations report and communicate with the other elements within the organization. Organizational structures, rules and regulations, are generally viewed as instruments set in place to facilitate and aid task performance by all those involved in the organization. Due to the effectiveness of the project, the Functional organization, Pure Project organization, and Matrix organization are the three most project management structures that are still used today. References Kerzner, H. (2006). Project Management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Mantel, S.J. & Meredith, J.R. (2006). Project Management: A managerial approach. (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Russell, M. (2008). Organizational structures in project management. Ezine articles. Retrieved August 01, 2008 from http://ezinearticles.com/?Organizational-Structures-In-Project-Management.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

the one and the only essays

the one and the only essays Written in the 1700's, Marriage and womens roles were major issues in a young woman's life and Jane Austen ties up these serious issues with good humor and entertaining situations. Each main character in Pride and Prejudice learns an important lesson in life through trial and error. As the plot of Pride In both Pride t seem to care about what she looks like and here apperence in the view of the superior class. I shall never forget her appearance ... Marriage became the chief means for women to achieve a place in society. The eccentric and seemingly unintelligent Mrs. Bennett does her best to engage herself in her daughter's love affairs interference in the girls' lives and obsession with their marriage is consistent throughout the novel, and similar traits can be found in Bridget Jones's mother. She constantly worries about Bridget's marital status as a single thirty-two year old, and fears she will remain unmarried for the rest of her life and even attempts to set her up with young men and sons of friends. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Transformational Leadership in Sianguna Highschool Case Study

Transformational Leadership in Sianguna Highschool - Case Study Example Siangua Highschool implements a leadership system wherein the all stakeholders participate through a school committee called the Site Council. The Principal acts as a facilitator. In this leadership system all are encouraged to participate and thus are given the opportunity to voice out their ideas, concerns and suggestions. This is the very essence of transformational leadership wherein "the leader must master the process that involves a whole organization in what amounts to a collective creation." Because of the need to get everybody involved, active participation cannot be avoided. Hence, with everybody given time to voice their thought, debates, and a lot of discussions ensue before plans or decisions are reached. Interviews contained in the report evidences that there are a lot of e-mails, messages, memos are passed prior to every meeting thus are just part of the additional costs that the school has to suffer. Processes are lengthened such that before a decision is reached on a n issue it will have to pass through a lot of debates and discussion. Thus by the time a decision is reached the same may be too late to pass upon urgent matters. The possible solution to hasten the process of decision making is to create small groups to address specific concerns.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Curriculum Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Curriculum Theory - Essay Example The curriculum theory of the nineteenth century, with its emphasis on mental discipline through rote learning , as portrayed by Charles Dickens in his book 'Hard Times' has undergone a sea change in the modern times. In the nineteenth century America, the teacher was the center of the education system. Ill trained and ill-equipped, the teacher struggled on to teach the three R's to his dwindling students. But by 1890, the rapid industrialization and urbanization of the country led to a change in the role of the school and the teacher. By then society had also begun to change from the mostly agrarian communities to industrial communities. More attention was now given to curriculum in schools, as the 'monitorial method' which was adopted in cities like New York, did not last long. The main curriculum theory until the last part of the nineteenth century was that of 'Mental Discipline', a theory followed from the time of Plato The tremendous expansion of the railroad and the newspapers and magazines in the 1890s brought about more changes in the curriculum theory according to the book "The Struggle for American Curriculum 1893-1958" by Herbert Kliebard. Articles in some of the popular journals described schools as "joyless and dreary places" (Kliebard 6), calling for a more suitable curriculum. In 1837, with the creation of the State Board of Education with the eminent Horace Mann as the head, the first milestone was laid for compulsory education. The first Compulsory Education Law was enacted in Massachusetts in 1852. In 1947, the state passed a law requiring every town to run a grammar school to which attendance was compulsory for the children. Parents were fined if they did not send their children to school. The classical, rote form of learning with its harsh discipline and verbatim recitation was opposed by psychologists like William James and Edward Thorndike causing a national debate. The society itself was becoming interested in more useful knowledge being imparted to the students. In the early twentieth century, the Great Depression caused the educationists to consider using schools for social reform. When in 1918, John Dewey advocated Progressive education, his ideas that the schools should reflect the society had a tremendous impact on the curriculum. There was a renewed emphasis on the teaching of mathematics and sciences during the World War, citing military needs. The wartime decline in high school attendance was attributed to "the continued prominence of academic school subjects" (Kliebard202)Vocation oriented curriculum was advocated after the National Defense Act of 1947 which was of great significance There was blending of subjects, with a need-based "core curriculum" In 1954, the landmark decision of the U.S Supreme Court .in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, prohibiting the establishment of separate schools for black and white children had a tremendous impact on curriculum theory, paving the way for civil rights and a multicultural curriculum.. In 1989,the goals for the beginning of the next millennium were formulated, with a forward looking curriculum. Works cited Kliebard, Herbert M. (2004). The Struggle for the American Curriculum, 1893-1958 (3rd ed.). New York:

Thursday, October 31, 2019

How wearable technology affect developer of web content Essay

How wearable technology affect developer of web content - Essay Example The paper tells that the latest change in technology is causing everyone in the technology industry to notice and use wearables. In technology, the term wearable refers to a range of technological devices. According to Ruiz and Goransson, â€Å"it fits everything from iPod controls embedded in the sleeve of your ski jacket to intelligent shoes that tell you which direction to turn when you reach an intersection†. Rather than just holding technological devices, people today are comfortable wearing them on. Google glass is a perfect example of wearable technology. It is a technological gadget mounted on the head in a similar way as eye glasses, which acts more like a computer with voice activated and capabilities to perform google searches, take videos and photos, look for directions, and a range of other functionalities. The emergence of wearable technology has come with a number of impacts. Among them is a huge impact on web content developers and the world of web design in ge neral. This is especially due to the fact that when it comes to web surfing, modern web visitors are highly dependent on wearable mobile devices. As innovations continue to be made, new technologies emerge from time to time. The emerging and new technologies bring a range of opportunities for them and for the different fields they are applied in. Web application development is an area in computer technology that has been impacted by emerging technologies and where opportunities have grown.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

American films Essay Example for Free

American films Essay be at work making sure he works his ass off to get us where we are now. Although I don’t see him most of the time during my childhood, and he missed almost every one of my birthday’s I can never be mad at him for it. Something I most admire my father for is the fact he gave up his family and life he had back in the islands to support his daughter and pregnant wife, which changed all our lives. As soon as he joined the military he flew us 2 kids and my mother out to America to see our new house in Hawaii. The day we all came to America was the day we left behind the poverty and worries back in Samoa. Since that day, I have always respected my father. Even though I sometimes abhor is actions towards discipline, I constantly think back to the days we had it rough and who it was that became our hero from there on out. Without his decisions on coming to America and toward his responsibilities, I wouldn’t have had hope in finding a future for myself back in the islands. Because of my father’s life changing choices, I am living a life of a lifetime; a humble lifestyle.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Telemedicine for Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Telemedicine for Type II Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus is a common chronic disease that requires lifelong medical care and control as well as constant patient self-management, education and support to prevent severe complications and to reduce the incidence of long-term complication70. Type II diabetes mellitus is increasingly common, mainly because of increase in the prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle and obesity1. This study evaluates and compares whether an intervention using SMS and telephone call would improve plasma blood glucoses levels (HbA1c, FBS, PPBS) for three months in patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Similar study was conducted by Piette et al. (2001) in which patients in a telephone disease management group had a reduction of HbA1c during the one year study period79. Hanauer et al. (2009) used email and SMS reminders to support diabetes management and noted a decrease in SMS use after two to three months74. Mahwi et al. (2013) reported that in their study pharmaceutical care provided by pharmacist to type II diabetes mellitus patients yielded a statistically significant reduction in the glycemic level83. Soriano Marcolino et al. (2013) concluded in their findings that in clinical practice, positive motivation and contact through telemedicine should be intensified over time to increase the impact on glycemia75. This study was conducted at the hospital. A total of 135 type II diabetic patients who visited the outpatient diabetic department of the hospital were included in the study. Out of which 40 patients were assigned into the SMS group, 45 patients into the telephone group and 50 patients into the control group. After duration of 3 months, 27 patients from SMS group, 30 patients from telephone group and 24 patients from control group came for review. The demographic details among the subjects reveals that 29 (34.6%) were males and 52 (65.4%) were females. The percentage of males in SMS, telephone and control group was 37.1, 36.7 and 33.3 respectively and the percentage of females in each of the groups was 62.9, 63.3 and 66.7{Table 1; Figure 1}. The mean age of male among the study population was 50.28Â ±9.05 and that of female was 49.98Â ±10.67 {Table 2; Figure 2}. In SMS group the mean age was found to be 48.85Â ±13.95, the mean age in telephone group was found to be 50.16Â ±8.21 and in control group it was 51.29Â ±11.46 {Table 3; Figure 3}. From a study conducted in Pune, India, it was found that the prevalence of type II diabetes was 4.6% with equal prevalence in both the sex. Greater prevalence in male was found in the age group of > 60 years while in females it was 51-60 years (Patil et al., 2013)30. Valliyot et al. (2013) reported that those above 50 years of age have five times more chance to get diabetes when compare d with those in the 20-30 age groups. Gender did not show any statistical significant relationship with diabetes31. A study done by Deepthi et al. (2013) showed an increase in the prevalence of diabetes with increase in age irrespective of the gender73. From the literacy distribution 53.0% of the patients are in the primary level, 23.5% of the patients are in the secondary level, 21.0% have degree and 2.5% are post graduate {Table 4; Figure 4}. Some studies reported that there is a relationship between literacy and health outcomes. For example DeWalt et al. (2004) confirmed that low literacy is linked with a series of adverse health outcomes61. Agardh et al. (2011) reported that educational level was most consistently associated with increased possibility of type II diabetes62. From all the three groups 50.6% of the patients were housewives, 16.0% of the patients were doing business, 13.6% were professionals, 10.0% were labour, 4.9% were retired and 4.9% were jobless {Table 5; Figure 5}. In women, high job stress and low work social support had a higher risk of type II diabetes compared to those not exposed to work stress, according to (Heraclides et al., 2009)44. It was also found that work stress and shift work contributed to the development of type II diabetes in women. In men, the risk was decreased by high work demands, high strain, and an active job (Eriksson et al., 2013)45. Patient’s data were collected for their smoking habits and 13.6% were found to be smokers. Alcohol history of the study population was collected, out of this 1.2% were found to be alcoholics and 6.2% were found to have both the habits {Table 6; Figure 6}. Majgi et al. (2012) in their study reported that there is no relationship between smoking and alcohol consumption with diabetes38. Kokiwar et al. (2007) concluded that abnormal glucose tolerance was more prevalent among males, physically inactive persons and alcohol consumers39. Distribution of patients with activity and those without activity were 30.9% and 69.1% respectively {Table 7; Figure 7}. Jeon et al. (2007) in their findings stated that those who are regularly engaged in physical activity of moderate intensity had 30% lower risk of type II diabetes as compared with inactive individuals. They also stated that physical activities such as brisk walking can considerably reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes55. Bacchi et al. (2013) did a systemic review and concluded that regular work out improves insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control in individuals with type 2 diabetes and is considered a chief factor in the management of this situation54. Concerned with the duration of diabetes, 7 (8.6%) had an experience of >1 year, 50 (61.7%) had 1-5 years, 20 (24.7%) had 6-10 years, 2 (2.5%) had 11-16 years and 2 (2.5%) had more than 16 years of experience {Table 8; Figure 8}. On considering the complications 17.2% had heart related problems, 20.9% had thyroid disorders, 18.5% had other problems and 44.0% had no complications {Table 9; Figure 9}. Duration of diabetes is often known to be associated with complications of diabetes. Song (2008) reported that type II diabetes may be an aggressive disease phenotype to develop cardiovascular complications37. Several studies had found that in cardiovascular disease, adherence to medications is low. Over 50% of patients do not take medications as prescribed. Similar study was reported by Granger et al. (2011)34. There was no significant difference in age, gender, duration of diabetes, activity, literacy, occupation and social habits between the three groups. The mean difference between the baseline and review values of HbA1c, FBS and PPBS in each group of the study population i.e. SMS, telephone and control were measured and the significant difference produced were compared by paired student t test. HbA1c reflects the average blood glucose levels of the previous six weeks. Glycosylated haemoglobin has developed into a standard measurement of glycaemia and a standard component of diabetes supervision20. The baseline value of HbA1c in these three study group were found to be respectively 8.25Â ±1.84, 7.84Â ±1.68 and 7.87Â ±1.85. The review values of HbA1c in these three groups were found to be 7.70Â ±1.50, 7.16Â ±1.01 and 7.35Â ±1.48 {Table 10; Figure 10}. There was a significant percentage change in HbA1c for the SMS (p = 0.023) and telephone group (p = 0.001). But no significant percentage change in HbA1c for the control group (p = 0.130) was found {Table 15}. In this study, HbA1C levels decreased 6.7% in SMS group, 8.7 % in telephone group and 6.6% in the control group after twelve weeks compared with baseline {Table 15}. HbA1C did differ significantly with telephone and control group (p = 0.037) {Table 19}. Previous studies showed the following results: Zolfaghari et al. (2012) reported that after the three month follow up examination, HbA1c level in diabetic patients in SMS and nurse led telephone groups decrease to 1.01% points and 0.93% points respectively20. Seung Kim et al. (2006) in their study revealed that SMS and telephone intervention by a nurse improved HbA1c in type II diabetes patients after twelve weeks, with a decrease of 1.1% and 1.2% respectively6. Goodzari et al. (2012) concluded that HbA1c levels decreased in experimental group greater than control group after three months compared with two baseline (p = 0/24)19. Seung Kim et al. (2007) revealed that internet based intervention by a nurse in patients with type 2 diabet es resulted in a decline of 1.15% points of HbA1c at three months and 1.05% points at six months33. The baseline value of fasting blood sugar in three groups of patients was found to be 154.29Â ±59.00, 129.73Â ±52.20 and 131.80Â ±49.02. The review values in each group of patients were found to be131.59Â ±44.26, 111.60Â ±25.69 and 121.20Â ±39.24 {Table 11; Figure 11}. Fasting blood sugar did differ significantly with telephone and control group (p = 0.011) as well as SMS and telephone group (p = 0.040) {Table 19}. There was a significant percentage change in FBS for the SMS (p = 0.016) and telephone group (p = 0.017). However, there was no significant percentage change found in the control group (p = 0.078). In the telephone, SMS and control group a decrease of 14.7%, 14.0% and 8.0% points were noted respectively, at three months compared with baseline {Table 16}. Ferror Roca et al. (2004) in their experiment recommended that SMS may provide a easy, quick and efficient accessory to manage diabetes76. The present study adds that an educational interventional program using telep hone call and SMS improves levels of glycosylated hemoglobin and fasting blood sugar for three months in patients with type II diabetes. The baseline values of PPBS in the three groups of patients were found to be 222.03Â ±93.20, 226.56Â ±99.90 and 219.09Â ±85.84. The review values in each study group were found to be 206.10Â ±77.00, 187.86Â ±34.30 and 199.18Â ±63.50 {Table 12; Figure 12}. Patients in the telephone group had a decrease of post prandial blood sugar of 17.5% mg/dl at three months compared with baseline in this study. In the SMS group it decreased 6.9% mg/dl and 9.0% mg/dl in the control group {Table 17}. Although PPBS level of the telephone group decreased after intervention, it was still above the target PPBS level. Ilknur Cinar et al. (2010) revealed that a nurse led telephone intervention may improve glycaemic parameters including HbA1c, FBS, PPBS, diet, exercise, medication adherence in patients with type II diabetes mellitus after twelve weeks64. In this study, PPBS did differ significantly with telephone and control group (p = 0.047) but did not differ significantly with SMS and telephone gr oup (p = 0.245) as well as SMS and control group (p = 0.480) {Table 19}. There was no significant mean change in PPBS for the SMS group (p = 0.337) and control group (p = 0.704) but a significant percentage change in telephone group was found (p = 0.030) {Table 17}. This study evaluated patients medication adherence behaviour and satisfaction with and demand for SMS and telephone call service after the intervention. The effect of intervention on medication adherence in the three groups found that there was significant difference between the baseline and review values of the SMS (p = 0.005) and telephone groups (p = 0.002). However, the control group was not found to be significant (p = 0.119). It was observed that there was a mean percentage change of medication adherence in SMS, telephone and control groups and found 5.8, 11.2, 2.5% increase after three months from baseline {Table 18}. It was suggested that beside telephone follow-up, increased disease awareness, positive lifestyle modifications (diet, exercise and drug) could be the reason for improvements in glycaemic parameters35. In several studies like Ling Huang et al. (2013) 88.1% of diabetic patients according to the pre-test reported as frequent missing of medication in the control group, compared with 88.5% of patients in the intervention group. The percentage of patients who earlier missed a dose was 43.7% in the control group and 46.1% in the intervention group, respectively29. Samir Patel et al. (2013) reported that a mobile phone based automated medication reminder system shows promise in improving medication adherence and blood pressure in high cardiovascular risk individuals46. Fenerty et al. (2012) in their study reported that reminder based interventions improved adherence to daily medications. Meta analysis showed a statistically significant rise in adherence in the intervention groups receiving a reminder compared to controls78. In a study about 85% of patients reported that they were pleased with the ATDM intervention and 76% of patient’s reported that they would prefer to receive such calls in the future (Piette et al., 2000)84. According to the questionnaire determining the patient satisfaction in this study, it was found that all patients in the SMS group were satisfied with short service message and 93.3% of the patients in the telephone group were satisfied with telephone call {Table 14}. Ramachandran et al. (2013) stated that their study showed mobile phone messaging is acceptable to the recipients, potentially scalable, could be delivered at low cost and is a part of an alternative strategy7. Samith Shetty et al. (2011) concluded that frequent communication for one year through SMS was satisfactory to patients with diabetes and it helped to improve the health outcome43. At the end of the study, a statistically significant reduction was observed in the HbA1c and FBS levels of patients in the telephone and SMS group while a small reduction, which is statistically not significant, was detected in the control group. This result confirms that the use of telemedicine approaches has a positive impact on patient’s glycemic control.